City of Kraljevo

Šumadija and Western Serbia - Raški District

Level of development - Group III

Active enterprises - 1507

Active entrepreneurs - 5257




Average income




Improved development planning and introduction of the integrated territorial investment


Improved economic growth in the targeted local self-governments


Improved social infrastructure and social cohesion in the targeted local self-governments

641,769 Euros

542,513 Euros

(85% EU PRO)

99,256 Euros

(15% Co-funding)

612,885 Euros

Support to Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Moravički and Raški districts: Green energy in the function of improving the development of the economic sector in Raški and Moravički districts

Support to Business Support Organisations

The objective of the project is to contribute to improving knowledge and competence of around 200 SME representatives in the field of using “green energy” in Raški and Moravički districts, including 20 entrepreneurs to get the concept of photovoltaic power plants.

Project value:

Programme funds:


32,710 Euros

29,639 Euros

3,071 Euros

Support to Regional agency for spatial and economic development of Raški and Moravički districts: Enhancing smart growth development of SMEs in metal sector in Raški and Moravički districts

Support to Business Support Organisations

The objective of the project is to contribute to the growth and development of 25 SMEs in the metal sector in seven local self-governments in Raški and Moravički districts.

Project value:

Programme funds:


47,853 Euros

47,853 Euros


Support to household chemicals producing enterprise - Nenad Čurlić PR Proizvodnja sredstava za čišćenje vetrobranskih stakala Filami Žiča

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The entrepreneur producing household chemicals plans to procure a duplicator, demineralizer, paste filler and labeler to improve production and product quality and to introduce new products. As a result two new jobs are to created adding to the existing two. The CSR activity envisages donation of hygiene products and household chemicals for humanitarian purposes.

Project value:

Programme funds:


14,148 Euros

11,300 Euros

2,848 Euros

Support to a furniture producing enterprise - Vladica Tomović PR Proizvodnja ostalog nameštaja Mikula Mali

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The entrepreneur engaged in tailor made furniture production (kitchen elements and wardrobes) plans to procure an edge banding machine, a formatting saw and the surface thickness planer combined machine to improve production and quality of product quality as well as introduction of new products. As a result one new job is to be created adding to the existing one. The CSR activity envisages donation of products to the local association for helping people with autism and the Union of Organisations of People with Disabilities.

Project value:

Programme funds:


13,846 Euros

10,998 Euros

2,848 Euros

Support to an enterprise for professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities - Paker tim d.o.o.

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The packaging (food) enterprise that employs mainly persons with disabilities plans to procure a new packaging equipment to increase productivity. As a result two new jobs are to be created adding to the existing thirteen. The CSR activity envisages donation of food products to the soup kitchen in Kraljevo.

Project value:

Programme funds:


46,440 Euros

32,508 Euros

13,932 Euros

Support to an enterprise providing laundry service - Sapunica BMB

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The entrepreneur engaged in laundry cleaning plans to procure five pieces of equipment in order to improve provision of services and introduce new ones. As a result two new jobs are to be created adding to the existing two. The CSR activity envisages financial support to the health sector.

Project value:

Programme funds:


29,689 Euros

23,695 Euros

5,994 Euros

Revitalization of the Mataruška Spa

Economic infrastructure (tourism development)

The project improves water supply in Mataruška Spa by replacing 5.3 km of water supply network and enhancing the park area. It ensures stable water supply for 100 houses, supports new investments in spa rehabilitation, and includes the installation of new benches, wastebaskets, and equipment for the children's park.

Project value:

Programme funds:


428,199 Euros

360,535 Euros

67,664 Euros

28,884 Euros

Support to Kraljevo's Association for Helping People with Autism: Establishment and development of a day care service for people with autism

Social cohesion

Establishment of a fully functional Day Care social protection service for at least 40 people with autism through creating conditions and licensing the day care service for people with autism, preparation of draft legal acts necessary for planning and financing the living room service, procurement of material for the Day Care Centre activities.

Project value:

Programme funds:


28,884 Euros

25,985 Euros

2,899 Euros