September 2024
  • 263

  • 333

  • 342

  • 280*

January 2021 - December 2023
Funded by the European Union
Total budget
40,000,000 Euros

EU PRO Plus contributes to a more balanced socio-economic development of 99 local governments in two regions: Šumadija and Western Serbia and Southern and Eastern Serbia. Relying on good practices and results from its predecessor programmes - EU PROGRES and European PROGRES and EU PRO, the EU PRO Plus works on improved management of territorial development, local economic growth and improved social infrastructure and social cohesion. Implemented through grant methodology, the Programme also focuses on four cross cutting aspects: good governance, digitalisation and innovations, environmental and climate change aspects and gender equality. In addition, EU PRO Plus will, through its activities, where relevant and feasible, strive to remedy some of the negative COVID-19 effects.

January 2018 - August 2021
Funded by the European Union
Total budget
25,000,000 Euros

The EU PRO Programme contributed to overall economic and social growth in 99 local governments in the regions of Šumadija, Western, Southern and Eastern Serbia. Building on the good practices and results of its previous programs, EU PRO focused on increased competitiveness, improved business environment and stronger social cohesion through the successful implementation of 339 grants. The Programme contributed to the creation of investments and jobs as well as more competitive companies through direct support of 203 entrepreneurs and support of 623 companies within the projects of business support organizations. The work of local self-governments was supported through 77 infrastructure projects including economic and social infrastructure, the development of plans for detailed regulations and technical projects, as well as projects for the introduction of geographic information systems. Support for social development included 20 grants to improve the position of vulnerable and minority groups, while the Government's efforts to respond to COVID-19 were also supported through the program, through emergency procurement.

May 2014 - March 2018
EUR 19.6 million from the European Union, EUR 4.86 million from the Government of Switzerland
Total budget
24,460,000 Euros

The EU, Switzerland and Serbia engaged with UNOPS to deliver a comprehensive development initiative for Serbia's 34 poorest municipalities. Seven million euros from the total budget were allocated for priority infrastructure projects, implemented directly through the Sector for contracting and financing programs from the European Union (CFCU), while the Government of Serbia, through relevant ministries and municipalities participated with additional 787,068 Euros.

Spurring the growth of infrastructure and employability, the Programme contributed to attracting more than 10 million Euros worth of investments, led to the creation of nearly 100 new businesses and over 700 new jobs and improved the standing of more than 9,000 people from vulnerable groups.

July 2010 - March 2014
EUR 14.1 million from the European Union, EUR 3.2 million from the Government of Switzerland, and EUR 3.6 million co-funding from the Government of Serbia
Total budget
20,900,000 Euros

Through 265 projects EU PROGRES facilitated investments of 30 million Euros and enabled employment of 300 people, created an environment in which decisions are taken through interaction of stakeholders, accentuating participation, effectiveness and efficiency, accountability and transparency. The Programme also assisted with the improvement of municipal services and constructed communal, economic and environment infrastructure.

Result Overview per Municipality

For an overview of Programme's cooperation with individual local self governments, select the locality on the map or type the name of the local self government in search and then click on the name of the locality highlighted in the overview of local governments below.