Municipality of Lebane

Southern and Eastern Serbia - Jablanički District

Level of development - Group IV

Active enterprises - 110

Active entrepreneurs - 644




Average income




Total Number of Projects
from 2010

867,942 Euros

737,247 Euros

(Donors 85%)

130,695 Euros

(Co-funding 15%)

213,032 Euros

Programme funds: 180,792 Euros

Co-funding: 32,240 Euros

50,792 Euros

Support to hygiene products producing enterprise - Danilo Đokić PR Proizvodnja kućne hemije Danix Er

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The entrepreneur engaged in production of hygiene products plans to procure three pieces of equipment in order to increase production capacity and introduce new products. As a result four new jobs are to be created adding to the existing nine. The CSR activity envisages donation of products to kindergarten and schools in the local community.

Project value:

Programme funds:


40,746 Euros

33,953 Euros

6,793 Euros

Support to youth entrepreneur Nikola Cvetković

Support to Women and Youth Start-ups

Youth entrepreneur aims to establish a tire repair shop and car wash. CSR activities envisage support to a local rural football club.

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,046 Euros

8,935 Euros

1,111 Euros

162,240 Euros

Renovation of the Lebane’s Day Care Centre for children with disabilities “Sun”

Local Infrastructure

Refurbishing of the Lebane’s only day care centre for children with disabilities “Sun” (220 m2) to provide quality social services in adequate conditions for children and young beneficiaries.

Project value:

Programme funds:


162,240 Euros

137,904 Euros

24,336 Euros

131,133 Euros

Programme funds: 94,707 Euros

Co-funding: 36,426 Euros

99,671 Euros

Support to an enterprise engaged in the chemical industry - Deverra Farm d.o.o. Ždeglovo

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The enterprise is engaged in the production of pharmaceutical products (herbal extracts, drops, gels and rheumatic creams). The grant will be utilised to procure new equipment for the enterprise’s laboratory in order to increase production capacity, productivity and open three new jobs immediately and ten other in the long term. The enterprise will be conducting corporate social responsibility activities which will include donations to the local gerontological centre and health centre and organisation a course on medicinal and aromatic herbs for interested participants.

Project value:

Programme funds:


67,571 Euros

42,245 Euros

25,326 Euros

Support to a food production enterprise - Radanska Ruža d.o.o.

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

Social enterprise Radanska Ruža is engaged in fruit and vegetable processing. Its product range is made up of various types of “ajvar”, fruit and vegetable preserves, jams, fresh juices and other delicacies. The enterprise will utilise the grant to purchase a cooling chamber, pasteurizers, electric stoves, work desks, stainless steel sinks, solid fuel stoves and inox dishes, which will lead to the immediate creation of one new job and another 15 in the long term. The enterprise will be implementing socially responsible activities - in cooperation with the local Centre for Social Work, donations of food packages will be organised for vulnerable members of the local community, as well as all food donations to all safe houses in Serbia.

Project value:

Programme funds:


32,100 Euros

21,000 Euros

11,100 Euros

2,141 Euros

Provision of a back-up server for the e-permitting system


Improvement of the electronic system for the issuance of building permits through the provision of a back-up server, which will enhance its stability and availability for over 6,500 users that benefit from it every day. Server and network equipment were procured through the project, as well as necessary licences. The aim of this activity was to contribute to the creation of a more favourable business environment by improving the efficiency and transparency of the e-government and, ultimatively, to new investments. At the same time, citizens’ trust in institutions, as well as the quality of services that are being offered through the e-government will also be enhanced.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,141 Euros

2,141 Euros


29,321 Euros

The roads of small economies in the countryside

Fostering Social Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic Municipalities

Implemented by: Women's Association RUŽA

Creating conditions for rural women to better use all agricultural and non-agricultural resources in the rural areas of the Lebane municipality and creating conditions for sustainable agricultural production in mountain villages.

Project value:

Programme funds:


14,711 Euros

14,711 Euros


With education to success

Fostering Social Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic Municipalities

Implemented by: CSO “ARKA Lebane”

Partner on the project: Elementary school “Vuk Karadžić”

Improving the quality of education and reducing dropout rates of Roma children in the elementary school “Vuk Karadžić” in Lebane, through training of teachers, work with parents and provision of direct educational support

Project value:

Programme funds:


14,610 Euros

14,610 Euros


209,330 Euros

Programme funds: 197,613 Euros

Co-funding: 11,717 Euros

27,185 Euros

Social Entrepreneurship for Socially Responsible Society

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF 1)

Improvement of the economic position of women from marginalised groups through establishment of social enterprise which subsequently employs five women.

Project value:

Programme funds:


5,108 Euros

4,595 Euros

513 Euros

Produce healthy, live nicely

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF 2)

Creating preconditions for sustainable agricultural organic production to facilitate economic empowerment of marginalised groups from rural areas. The project should result in registration of at least five agricultural households certified for organic production and at least ten manufacturers should sign cooperation contract with the locally established social enterprise “Radanska Ruža“.

Project value:

Programme funds:


14,761 Euros

13,268 Euros

1,493 Euros

Support to Social Inclusion at the local level

Social Inclusion activities

Support preparation and implementation of local strategies/action plans for employment and social inclusion; Promote active inclusion and improved integration of social and employment services;

Project value:

Programme funds:


5,171 Euros

5,171 Euros


"Take Care" - ("Arak tut " in the Romany language)

Social Inclusion activities

Pilot project "Take Care" ("Arak tut " in the Romany language) implemented by YUROM Center aims to prevent fire out brakes and raising safety of inhabitants in 22 Roma settlements. The project includes implementation of fire safety measures in Roma settlements and launching of awareness campaign among settlements' residents, as well as advocacy for increase of fire safety through mobilization of relevant national and local institutions.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,145 Euros

2,145 Euros


161,138 Euros

Detailed Regulation Plan

Detailed Regulation Plan

Development of detailed regulation plan of cultural - historial and touristic complex ”Caričin Grad”

Project value:

Programme funds:


14,350 Euros

12,915 Euros

1,435 Euros

Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables

Women Enterpreneurship

Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables

Project value:

Programme funds:


7,892 Euros

7,892 Euros


Completion of construction of the building for haemodialysis

Local Infrastructure Project

The Programme in its both iterations supported development of the Zone by financing important planning documentation and this intervention is a logical step in the same direction as it further develops the Zone's infrastructure assets.

Project value:

Programme funds:


50,016 Euros

44,916 Euros

5,100 Euros

Preparation of detailed designs for anti-erosion protection of Jablanica River watershed

Detailed Regulation Plan

Development of technical documentation that will enable tendering for works on anti-erosion protection of river basins for Jablanica River watershed

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,000 Euros

10,000 Euros


Cluster Support - South Serbia Fruit Cluster "Tech - Up"

Cluster Support

Project to foster the development of the new efficient technologies within the fruit processing companies - members of the Regional Fruit Cluster. The project involves a combination of a small scale improvements, education programmes and knowledge-based information sharing.

Project value:

Programme funds:


30,616 Euros

27,440 Euros

3,176 Euros

Vertical Dimension of Good Governance

Good Governance

Developing policies and / or administrative regulations addressing vertical coordination and communication between the LSGs and government institutions

Project value:

Programme funds:


6,176 Euros

6,176 Euros


Support implementation of electronic building permits system

Support LSGs in implementation of electronic building permits system

The project is to be implemented in partnership with NALED and the Ministry of Construction, Transportation and Infrastructure, and implies yrainings and mentorship support for LSGs and PUCs, recommendations for internal improvements, support for upload of planning documents amd obtaining inputs that can facilitate policy improvements.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,088 Euros

2,088 Euros


Works on anti-erosion protection of Pusta Reka

Anti - erosion works

Technical, bio-technical and biological works for the anti-erosion protection of Pusta Reka watercourse

Project value:

Programme funds:


40,000 Euros

40,000 Euros


21,007 Euros

Support to Local Governance Reforms and Municipal Good Governance Competence Centres

Good Governance

Developing reform packages for improvement of the local governance; Support to municipal GG capacities and establishment of the Municipal GG Competence Centres

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,441 Euros

10,441 Euros


Provision of FIDIC conditions of works contracts training

FIDIC contracts management trainings

Provision of trainings for use of FIDIC contracts for Works to all Programme LSGs and on job trainings for LSGs that will receive CFCU Grants

Project value:

Programme funds:


9,091 Euros

9,091 Euros


Local governance assessment

Good Governance

The assessment will provide insight into the governance levels of the participating LSGs.

Project value:

Programme funds:


1,475 Euros

1,475 Euros


314,447 Euros

Programme funds: 264,135 Euros

Co-funding: 50,312 Euros

39,130 Euros

Introduction of the gender perspective in local politics

Gender Equality Mechanism

Support to the local Council for gender equality and strenghthening the institutional framework for gender equality

Project value:

Programme funds:


1,667 Euros

1,400 Euros

267 Euros

Have to Be Healthy to Fight for Women's Rights

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF)

Improving health care delivery and public health in the rural communities by organising medical examinations in them, providing elderly citizens, those without medical insurance and those who live in areas without health care institutions direct access to medical care.

Project value:

Programme funds:


15,589 Euros

13,095 Euros

2,494 Euros

New solutions in old crafts

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF)

Improvement of the social and economic position of women in rural areas through the development of old crafts businesses.

Project value:

Programme funds:


9,460 Euros

7,946 Euros

1,514 Euros

Gender budgeting to a more favorable position of women in municipalities Lebane, Bojnik and Medveđa

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF)

Building capacities for the development and adoption of gender-sensitive budgets in three municipalities by educating those who are directly involved in preparing budgets and producing guidelines for the development of gender sensitive budgets on the local level

Project value:

Programme funds:


8,263 Euros

6,941 Euros

1,322 Euros

Conducting participatory budgeting processes

Municipal Administration

Introducing participatory budgeting (PB) practices and process in the municipalities. Increasing the capacities of the municipalities to conduct PB process.

Project value:

Programme funds:


4,151 Euros

3,487 Euros

664 Euros

13,955 Euros

Local Tax Asministration (LTA) support grant- Phase II

Local Tax Administration

Engagement of four employees in the period of three months to update the LTA database with the aim to increase the revenue source for the municipality and reach a sustainable level of budgetary resources

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,205 Euros

8,572 Euros

1,633 Euros

Operational grant for the Radan Mountain Tourism Cluster

Support to clusters

Increased number of cluster members for 50% and enhanced business opportunities for cluster members through the organisation of a promotional business to business event.

Project value:

Programme funds:


3,750 Euros

3,150 Euros

600 Euros

190,167 Euros

Reconstruction and expansion of the water treatment plant in Lebane

Local Infrstructure

Filter fields were built as part of the project.

Project value:

Programme funds:


94,717 Euros

79,562 Euros

15,155 Euros

Purchase of pumps for Lebane alternative water supply

Infrastructure Equipment

Purchase of pumps for Lebane alternative water supply

Project value:

Programme funds:


95,450 Euros

80,178 Euros

15,272 Euros

71,195 Euros

Provision of goods and services to all programme local self-governments to advance local governance and promotion of EU related topics and activities

Municipal Administration, Communication, Good Governance, Gender Equality, Municipal Management and Development Planning activities

Provision of goods and services to all programme local self-governments to advance local governance, improve municipal management and planning, promote environmental protection, gender equality and raise information on the EU support, together with conducting competitiveness baseline study and citizens satisfaction survey

Project value:

Programme funds:


71,195 Euros

59,804 Euros

11,391 Euros