Municipality of Preševo

Southern and Eastern Serbia - Pčinjski District

Level of development - Group IV

Active enterprises - 198

Active entrepreneurs - 878




Average income




Total Number of Projects
from 2010

1,900,273 Euros

1,259,315 Euros

(Donors 66%)

640,958 Euros

(Co-funding 34%)

1,208,986 Euros

Programme funds: 657,059 Euros

Co-funding: 551,927 Euros

1,208,986 Euros

Support to a furniture producing enterprise - Luli flex-2020 d.o.o.

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The enterprise producing furniture (mattress) plans to procure a mattress packing machine, mattress embroidery machine and the mattress tape edge machine to improve production. As a result two new jobs are to be created adding to the existing two. The CSR activity envisages donations to most vulnerable groups from the local community.

Project value:

Programme funds:


44,961 Euros

37,102 Euros

7,859 Euros

Industrial Zone Preševo

Economic infrastructure (industrial/business zones)

The project completes utility infrastructure in the Čukarka Preševo Industrial Zone. It includes sewage, water supply, power, lighting, telecommunication, and roads.

Project value:

Programme funds:


1,164,025 Euros

619,957 Euros

544,068 Euros


67,022 Euros

Programme funds: 62,222 Euros

Co-funding: 4,800 Euros

24,000 Euros

Support to an entrepreneur in furniture production - Woodmania

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The entrepreneur is engaged in the production of furniture and additional equipment for hotels, restaurants, cafes etc. The grant will be utilised to procure a horizontal grinder, machine for edge trimming and other equipment, which will enable the immediate creation of two and another four in the long term. The entrepreneur will be conducting corporate social responsibility activities related to environmental protection and education. In cooperation with the local youth organisation and kindergarten, 50 new trees will be planted as well as free trainings provided on CNC machine programming to five local students. In addition, donation of five dining tables is planned for socially vulnerable families.

Project value:

Programme funds:


24,000 Euros

19,200 Euros

4,800 Euros

2,141 Euros

Provision of a back-up server for the e-permitting system


Improvement of the electronic system for the issuance of building permits through the provision of a back-up server, which will enhance its stability and availability for over 6,500 users that benefit from it every day. Server and network equipment were procured through the project, as well as necessary licences. The aim of this activity was to contribute to the creation of a more favourable business environment by improving the efficiency and transparency of the e-government and, ultimatively, to new investments. At the same time, citizens’ trust in institutions, as well as the quality of services that are being offered through the e-government will also be enhanced.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,141 Euros

2,141 Euros


40,881 Euros

Teaching Assistants to Local Teachers in Elementary Schools of Preševo and Bujanovac Teaching Serbian as Non-Mother Tongue

Social Inclusion

Support young people from Albanian community to learn Serbian language through engagement of six teaching assistants in the school year 2018/2019 that are providing support to nine teachers in conducting classes of Serbian as non-mother tongue in four elementary schools in Bujanovac and Preševo.

Project value:

Programme funds:


37,179 Euros

37,179 Euros


Relaxation of the body and brilliance of the mind

Fostering Social Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic Municipalities

Implemented by: Muscular Dystrophy Association of Jablanica District

Partner on the project: Association of People with Paraplegia Vranje

Cultivating psycho-social and health status of persons with disabilities (PWD) in Jablanica and Pčinja Districts through introduction of an innovative therapeutic programme and teaching PWDs to independently practice therapeutic massage and art therapy.

Project value:

Programme funds:


3,702 Euros

3,702 Euros


271,041 Euros

Programme funds: 243,325 Euros

Co-funding: 27,715 Euros

120,776 Euros

Cultural Needs of Youth in Bujnovac, Preševo and Medveđa

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF 2)

Research about the problems and needs of young people in Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa and promotion of the results of assessment in order to contribute to improvement of their cultural life.

Project value:

Programme funds:


5,478 Euros

4,977 Euros

500 Euros

Support to Social Inclusion at the local level

Social Inclusion activities

Support preparation and implementation of local strategies/action plans for employment and social inclusion; Promote active inclusion and improved integration of social and employment services;

Project value:

Programme funds:


5,171 Euros

5,171 Euros


Teaching Assistants to Local Teachers in Elementary Schools of Preševo and Bujanovac Teaching Serbian as Non-Mother Tongue

Social Inclusion activities

Support young people from Albanian community to learn Serbian language

Project value:

Programme funds:


110,128 Euros

110,128 Euros


39,942 Euros

Vertical Dimension of Good Governance

Good Governance

Developing policies and / or administrative regulations addressing vertical coordination and communication between the LSGs and government institutions

Project value:

Programme funds:


6,176 Euros

6,176 Euros


Support implementation of electronic building permits system

Support LSGs in implementation of electronic building permits system

The project is to be implemented in partnership with NALED and the Ministry of Construction, Transportation and Infrastructure, and implies yrainings and mentorship support for LSGs and PUCs, recommendations for internal improvements, support for upload of planning documents amd obtaining inputs that can facilitate policy improvements.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,088 Euros

2,088 Euros


Development of the Main Design for Improvement of Energy Efficiency in Primary School "Zenel Ajdini" in the Village Raince - Preševo

Main Design Development

The development of the main design for the improvement of energy efficiency in the primary school "Zenel Ajdini„ in the village Raince, aimed to increase the quality of life of the students.

Project value:

Programme funds:


3,851 Euros

1,350 Euros

2,501 Euros

Development of the Main Design for Improvement of Energy Efficiency in the Primary School "Dituria„ in the Village Crnotince - Preševo

Main Design Development

The development of the main design for the improvement of energy efficiency in the primary school "Dituria" in the village of Crnotince, aimed to increase the quality of life of the students.

Project value:

Programme funds:


3,851 Euros

1,350 Euros

2,501 Euros

Metal processing

Support to Micro and Small Enterprises

Metal processing. Support to the “Gumal Produkt” enterprise.

Project value:

Programme funds:


23,976 Euros

16,709 Euros

7,267 Euros

110,322 Euros

Support to Local Governance Reforms and Municipal Good Governance Competence Centres

Good Governance

Developing reform packages for improvement of the local governance; Support to municipal GG capacities and establishment of the Municipal GG Competence Centres

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,441 Euros

10,441 Euros


Provision of FIDIC conditions of works contracts training

FIDIC contracts management trainings

Provision of trainings for use of FIDIC contracts for Works to all Programme LSGs and on job trainings for LSGs that will receive CFCU Grants

Project value:

Programme funds:


9,091 Euros

9,091 Euros


Local governance assessment

Good Governance

The assessment will provide insight into the governance levels of the participating LSGs.

Project value:

Programme funds:


1,475 Euros

1,475 Euros


Improving the Efficiency of the Local Tax Administration office in Preševo

Local Tax Administration

Engagement of external employees to update the municipal / city tax payers registry database with the aim to Increased revenue source for municipality and reach sustainable level of budgetary resources

Project value:

Programme funds:


9,292 Euros

8,346 Euros

946 Euros

Digitalization of the existing Geospatial data and GIS development in the purpose of local economic development in the Municipality of Preševo

Geographic Information System (GIS)

The application is mainly focussed on the economic development and presentation of industrial zones which owe their high potential to favourable geo-strategic position.

Project value:

Programme funds:


74,690 Euros

60,690 Euros

14,000 Euros

Development programme budgets for 2016 and development of five-year Capital Investment Plans

Capital Investment Planning and Programme Budgeting

Provision of technical assistance to LSG in areas of programme budgeting and capital investment planning. The LSG is being assisted with development of budget for 2016 and development of 2016-2020 Capital Investment Plans

Project value:

Programme funds:


5,333 Euros

5,333 Euros


353,225 Euros

Programme funds: 296,709 Euros

Co-funding: 56,516 Euros

57,401 Euros

Provision of Citizen Advisory Services (CAS) in Preševo

Municipal Administration

Citizen Advisory Service Office was set up and fully operational in providing the assistance in obtaining IDs, securing social welfare benefits, labour and unemployment issues and access to health services

Project value:

Programme funds:


32,420 Euros

27,233 Euros

5,187 Euros

Together for Clean Environment

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF)

Raising ecological awareness and developing an ecological culture among youth with the goal of strengthening their social and ecological activism

Project value:

Programme funds:


12,037 Euros

10,111 Euros

1,926 Euros

Strengthening Vulnerable Groups in South Serbia through Presentation of Problems and Promotion of Solutions

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF)

Production of 12 special TV/radio/news paper reports about the main problems of six target vulnerable groups (children and youth, people with disabilities, single mothers, refugees and IDPs, poor people, ekderly and retired people).

Project value:

Programme funds:


3,551 Euros

2,983 Euros

568 Euros

Public awareness campaign on the preservation and improvement of women's health in South Serbia

Gender Equality

Preservation and improvement of women's health in South Serbia

Project value:

Programme funds:


5,242 Euros

4,403 Euros

839 Euros

Conducting participatory budgeting processes

Municipal Administration

Introducing participatory budgeting (PB) practices and process in the municipalities. Increasing the capacities of the municipalities to conduct PB process.

Project value:

Programme funds:


4,151 Euros

3,487 Euros

664 Euros

37,559 Euros

ARES PD - Analysis of the Rural-Economic situation of the Pčinja District

Planning Documentation

Creating conditions for sustainable rural economic development and increasing the capacity for strategic planning of rural development in Pčinja District

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,935 Euros

9,185 Euros

1,750 Euros

Detailed regulation plan for the Čukarka Industrial Zone

Detailed Regulation Plan

The plan covers an area of 13.3 hectare and it creates basic preconditions for economic development, and increase of employment opportunities. After adoption of the DRP the municipality was able to order development of technical documentation for public infrastructure.

Project value:

Programme funds:


18,031 Euros

15,146 Euros

2,885 Euros

Local Tax Asministration (LTA) support grant

Local Tax Administration

Engagement of four employees in the period of three months to update the LTA database with the aim to increase the revenue source for the municipality and reach a sustainable level of budgetary resources

Project value:

Programme funds:


8,593 Euros

7,218 Euros

1,375 Euros

187,070 Euros

Replacement of exterior joinery at the Elementary School "Ibrahim Kelmendi

Local Infrastructure

Replacement of exterior joinery at the Elementary School "Ibrahim Kelmendi with the goal of improving working conidtions and contributing to the reduction of heating fuel usage.

Project value:

Programme funds:


144,614 Euros

121,476 Euros

23,138 Euros

Purchase of effluent meters for four Pčinja municipalities

Infrastructure Equipment

Installment of 5 waste water effluent measurement stations in the communal wastewater collection system discharged to South Morava River - water effluents measurement stations breakdown per municipality: Preševo 1, Bujanovac 2, Vladičin Han 1 and Vranje (Vranjska Banja) 1.

Project value:

Programme funds:


42,456 Euros

35,663 Euros

6,793 Euros

71,195 Euros

Provision of goods and services to all programme local self-governments to advance local governance and promotion of EU related topics and activities

Municipal Administration, Communication, Good Governance, Gender Equality, Municipal Management and Development Planning activities

Provision of goods and services to all programme local self-governments to advance local governance, improve municipal management and planning, promote environmental protection, gender equality and raise information on the EU support, together with conducting competitiveness baseline study and citizens satisfaction survey

Project value:

Programme funds:


71,195 Euros

59,804 Euros

11,391 Euros