Municipality of Tutin

Šumadija and Western Serbia - Raški District

Level of development - Group IV

Active enterprises - 221

Active entrepreneurs - 891




Average income




Total Number of Projects
from 2010

1,410,225 Euros

1,178,523 Euros

(Donors 84%)

231,702 Euros

(Co-funding 16%)

71,653 Euros

Programme funds: 60,370 Euros

Co-funding: 11,283 Euros

38,259 Euros

Support to an enterprise providing architectural and engineering services - Projektni arhitektonski biro Moja kuća

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The architectural studio developing technical documentation plans to procure IT equipment in order to improve the quality of the projects developed. As a result one new job is to be created adding to the owner. The CSR activity envisages preparation of technical documentation for facilities of socially disadvantaged families.

Project value:

Programme funds:


26,502 Euros

21,202 Euros

5,300 Euros

Support to enterprise providing architectural and engineering services Projektni biro Plan B

Support to Women and Youth Start-ups

Youth entrepreneur aims to improve development of technical documentation business and procure a computer and software for civil engineering design. The CSR activity envisages internships for students and an environmental protection project.

Project value:

Programme funds:


11,757 Euros

9,583 Euros

2,174 Euros

33,394 Euros

Support for marginalized groups through the promotion of human values and the development of social services in the community

Improved social infrastructure and social cohesion in the targeted local self-governments

Partner on the project: Association "Society for Cerebral Palsy and Childhood Paralysis of the Municipality of Ivanjica"

Increasing the access of vulnerable groups to the social protection services "home care" and "personal assistant of the child", and contribute to health prevention of women and elderly through better access to health care.

Project value:

Programme funds:


33,394 Euros

29,585 Euros

3,809 Euros

197,207 Euros

Programme funds: 142,469 Euros

Co-funding: 54,738 Euros

97,467 Euros

Support to an entrepreneur in metal processing - Sadović-M Ribariće

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The entrepreneur is engaged in the production of band saw blades for woodworking machines. They produce saw blades of various sizes according to customer requirements and distribute their products mainly through direct sales, with plans to delivered part of produced items through wholesale channels to German buyers from 2020 onwards. The grant will be utilised for the purchase of a machine which will improve the quality of the products. This will lead to the immediate creation of two jobs and subsequent employment of two more persons. The entrepreneur will be conducting corporate social responsibility activities oriented towards environmental protection. They will include the provision of support to the cleaning of the coast of Lake Gazivode in cooperation with volunteers from the local elementary school, by providing all necessary financial and material resources.

Project value:

Programme funds:


52,900 Euros

20,000 Euros

32,900 Euros

Support to to a clothing producing enterprise - Biser SS-2016

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The entrepreneur is engaged in the production of linens made of cotton, satin and damask and embroidered towels, tablecloths and knitted garments. The grant will be utilised to procure machines for sewing and processing textiles in order to increase production and productivity and to expand the market. This will lead to the immediate creation of two, and subsequent creation of another two jobs. The entrepreneur will be conducting corporate social responsibility activities which include the donation of products to local migrant and refugee centres.

Project value:

Programme funds:


15,550 Euros

10,600 Euros

4,950 Euros

Support to an entrepreneur in wood processing Smrča-74sre, Ribariće

Support to Entrepreneurs, Micro and Small Enterprises

The wood (doors and beehives) production enterprise will procure beehive production and wax sterilisation equipment resulting in increased production of current and introduction of a new range of products. The production currently employs three workers while resulting job creation is four immediate posts and additional three within a three-year period. The proposed CSR activity envisages donation in replacement of interior joinery in the Health Centre in Ribariće and sponsorship of local sport event "Prvomajski turnir u fudbalu".

Project value:

Programme funds:


29,017 Euros

23,333 Euros

5,684 Euros

74,136 Euros

Provision of a back-up server for the e-permitting system


Improvement of the electronic system for the issuance of building permits through the provision of a back-up server, which will enhance its stability and availability for over 6,500 users that benefit from it every day. Server and network equipment were procured through the project, as well as necessary licences. The aim of this activity was to contribute to the creation of a more favourable business environment by improving the efficiency and transparency of the e-government and, ultimatively, to new investments. At the same time, citizens’ trust in institutions, as well as the quality of services that are being offered through the e-government will also be enhanced.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,141 Euros

2,141 Euros


GIS as a Tool for More Competitive Development of Novi Pazar and Tutin

Introduction and Development of GIS

Novi Pazar, a GIS holder, and Tutin are neighbouring LSGs located in the Raška District. The common inter-municipal problems are related to spatial issues, while separately cadastre of underground installations in Novi Pazar and a unified and updated spatial database in Tutin are missing. The project is focused on improving and establishing of an integrated GIS for the two LSGs. The analysis of spatial and other data and elaboration of specialised applications will provide better management of existing resources and their promotion to attract investments.

Project value:

Programme funds:


71,995 Euros

61,045 Euros

10,950 Euros

25,604 Euros

Inclusive Protection of Intangible Heritage - A Bridge between Cultures

Fostering Social Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic Municipalities

Implemented by: Association “New Vision” Prijepolje

Partner on the project: Association “Women's Initiative” Priboj, the National Library “Dositej Obradović” Novi Pazar, the Cultural Centre Sjenica, the National Library “Dr Ejup Mušović” Tutin

Improving the level of cooperation and trust between Serbian and Bosniak communities through promotion of interculturalism and protection of intangible cultural heritage in the region. Additionally, inclusive and integrative instruments will be created through dialogue and cross-sectorial cooperation of relevant regional actors and experts at national level, to advance the cooperation between the two communities.

Project value:

Programme funds:


5,795 Euros

5,541 Euros

254 Euros

Improvement of inter-ethnic cooperation between Vranje and Tutin through empowerment of women and girls from ethnic minority groups and networking of relevant actors from the local communities

Fostering Social Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic Municipalities

Implemented by: Citizens' Association "NEXUS - Vranje"

Partner on the project: Citizens' Association "IMPULS“ Tutin

Enhancing the social inclusion and active engagement in social change of women and girls from ethnic minority groups in Vranje and Tutin through inter-municipal cooperation of relevant social actors. Simultaneously the employees of educational institutions will be trained in innovative methods of intercultural teaching.

Project value:

Programme funds:


14,984 Euros

14,984 Euros


Equality, diversity and dialogue in the local community

Fostering Social Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic Municipalities

Implemented by: Sandžak Committee for Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms

Contributing to inclusion of Bosniak minority through better representation of its needs and improved implementation of its rights. Development of local policies for exercising rights of national minorities and making them effective in local communities through improving the existing framework and supporting institutions dealing with protection of minority issues.

Project value:

Programme funds:


4,825 Euros

4,825 Euros


256,387 Euros

Programme funds: 232,301 Euros

Co-funding: 24,086 Euros

20,000 Euros

Support to Social Inclusion at the local level

Social Inclusion activities

Support preparation and implementation of local strategies/action plans for employment and social inclusion; Promote active inclusion and improved integration of social and employment services;

Project value:

Programme funds:


5,171 Euros

5,171 Euros


Centre for Social Entrepreneurship

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF 2)

Enhance capacities of local stockholders to create public policies and address unemployment of vulnerable groups through development and piloting of “social entrepreneurship model” resulting in the newly established social enterprise.

Project value:

Programme funds:


14,829 Euros

13,346 Euros

1,483 Euros

201,610 Euros

Support to agricultural cooperatives on usage of new techniques and technologies in the production

Agricultural Producer Groups

The assistance will include, trainings for APG management and Study tour to one of the European Union countries

Project value:

Programme funds:


4,211 Euros

4,211 Euros


Vertical Dimension of Good Governance

Good Governance

Developing policies and / or administrative regulations addressing vertical coordination and communication between the LSGs and government institutions

Project value:

Programme funds:


6,176 Euros

6,176 Euros


Support implementation of electronic building permits system

Support LSGs in implementation of electronic building permits system

The project is to be implemented in partnership with NALED and the Ministry of Construction, Transportation and Infrastructure, and implies yrainings and mentorship support for LSGs and PUCs, recommendations for internal improvements, support for upload of planning documents amd obtaining inputs that can facilitate policy improvements.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,088 Euros

2,088 Euros


Cluster Support - Pešter Agro Cluster to Transform Traditional Dairy Product “Kajmak“ into Modern Regional Product

Cluster Support

Project to improve the capacity of the cluster members' to produce and market “kajmak“ (clotted cream) for local/regional markets through standardisation of traditional centuries' old recipe and its adoption for modern industrial scale production.

Project value:

Programme funds:


43,200 Euros

38,880 Euros

4,320 Euros

Development of the Main Design for the Construction of the School in Mala Ravan

Main Design Development

The development of the main design for the construction of the school in Mala Ravan would contribute to constructing social infrastructure necessary in Tutin - one of the youngest municipalities in Serbia (children aged 6-14 make over 17% of total population) which will in turn improve the quality of educational services in the area.

Project value:

Programme funds:


25,084 Euros

22,545 Euros

2,539 Euros

Manufacturing clothing items / Manufacturing clothes

Women Enterpreneurship

Manufacturing clothing items / Manufacturing clothes

Project value:

Programme funds:


3,050 Euros

3,050 Euros


Furniture manufacturing

Women Enterpreneurship

Furniture manufacturing

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,000 Euros

10,000 Euros


Sewing and bedding embroidery

Women Enterpreneurship

Sewing and bedding embroidery

Project value:

Programme funds:


9,950 Euros

9,950 Euros


Constructing of primary school building in Zapadni Mojstir

Local 21 Project

Construction of a primary school building in Zapadni Mojstir, including the school yard and playgorund, will create conditions for better performance and the implementation of higher education standards for 48 children from the communities of Zapadni Mojstir, Istočni Mojstir, Batrage and Čulije.

Project value:

Programme funds:


97,851 Euros

83,173 Euros

14,678 Euros

34,777 Euros

Support to Local Governance Reforms and Municipal Good Governance Competence Centres

Good Governance

Developing reform packages for improvement of the local governance; Support to municipal GG capacities and establishment of the Municipal GG Competence Centres

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,441 Euros

10,441 Euros


Provision of FIDIC conditions of works contracts training

FIDIC contracts management trainings

Provision of trainings for use of FIDIC contracts for Works to all Programme LSGs and on job trainings for LSGs that will receive CFCU Grants

Project value:

Programme funds:


9,091 Euros

9,091 Euros


Local governance assessment

Good Governance

The assessment will provide insight into the governance levels of the participating LSGs.

Project value:

Programme funds:


1,475 Euros

1,475 Euros


Improving the Efficiency of the Local Tax Administration office in Tutin

Local Tax Administration

Engagement of external employees to update the municipal / city tax payers registry database with the aim to Increased revenue source for municipality and reach sustainable level of budgetary resources

Project value:

Programme funds:


10,786 Euros

9,720 Euros

1,066 Euros

Safe and empowered

Local Gender Equality Mechanism projects

Empowering women, victims of domestic violence through public events and the initiation of procedures for creating a support fund for victims of domestic violence.

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,984 Euros

2,984 Euros


884,978 Euros

Programme funds: 743,383 Euros

Co-funding: 141,595 Euros

20,431 Euros

Healthy Together!

Gender Equality Mechanism

Support to the local Council for gender equality and health education of women from rural areas

Project value:

Programme funds:


1,967 Euros

1,652 Euros

315 Euros

Children's Cultural and Sport Centre

Citizens Involvement Fund (CIF)

Forming Children's Sports and Cultural Center which will be set in the kindergarten yard. Included the reconstruction and equipping of the kindergarten’s training ground, regulation of the summer theatre stage, organisation of children's sports games and workshops

Project value:

Programme funds:


11,656 Euros

9,791 Euros

1,865 Euros

Gender equality in the service of development

Gender Equality

Provision of support to the establishment and improvement of the local gender equality mechanisms in South West Serbia and Toplica District

Project value:

Programme funds:


2,657 Euros

2,232 Euros

425 Euros

Conducting participatory budgeting processes

Municipal Administration

Introducing participatory budgeting (PB) practices and process in the municipalities. Increasing the capacities of the municipalities to conduct PB process.

Project value:

Programme funds:


4,151 Euros

3,487 Euros

664 Euros

329,082 Euros

Development of the main design for the primary sewerage network in Tutin

Technical Documentation

Development of the main design for the primary sewerage network in Tutin

Project value:

Programme funds:


199,978 Euros

167,982 Euros

31,996 Euros

Development of the main design for the regulation of Vidrenjak River in Tutin

Technical Documentation

Development of the main design for the regulation of Vidrenjak River in Tutin

Project value:

Programme funds:


26,500 Euros

22,260 Euros

4,240 Euros

Detailed regulation plan for the Ribariće community

Detailed Regulation Plan

The Plan allows the Municipality to issue necessary permissions for constructions in Ribariće, which has a great tourist potential due to its famous Gazivoda Lake.

Project value:

Programme funds:


25,843 Euros

21,708 Euros

4,135 Euros

Establishment of the Pešter Agribusiness Centre and operational grant

Support to clusters

Support agricultural-food producers from the Pešter highlands to improve their competitiveness by capacitating them to increase production, standardise their products and meet requirements regarding food safety thus increasing their market potential. The project also contributed to the improvement of inter-municipal institutional and management capacities of the territory through the establishment and development of new management instruments.

Project value:

Programme funds:


76,761 Euros

64,479 Euros

12,282 Euros

455,793 Euros

Building additional facilities adjacent to the existing kindergarten

Local Infrastructure

Installation of playground equipment and a summer stage within the kindergarten "Maja" gave adequate space for recreation of some 500 pre-school and school children.

Project value:

Programme funds:


199,490 Euros

167,572 Euros

31,918 Euros

Equipping of the newly built kindergarten "Poletarac" in Tutin

Infrastructure Equipment

Equipping of the newly built kindergarten "Poletarac" in Tutin

Project value:

Programme funds:


94,717 Euros

79,562 Euros

15,155 Euros

Provision of a main technical design for anti-erosion regulation of the Raška River basin with defined erosion areas and works on anti-erosion structures for the regulation of the Raška River basin

Technical Documentation

Provision of a main technical design for anti-erosion regulation of the Raška River basin with defined erosion areas and works on anti-erosion structures for the regulation of the Raška River basin

Project value:

Programme funds:


57,033 Euros

47,908 Euros

9,125 Euros

Provision of a main technical design for anti-erosion regulation of the Raška River basin with defined erosion areas and works on anti-erosion structures for the regulation of the Raška River basin


Provision of a main technical design for anti-erosion regulation of the Raška River basin with defined erosion areas and works on anti-erosion structures for the regulation of the Raška River basin

Project value:

Programme funds:


57,033 Euros

47,908 Euros

9,125 Euros

Reconstruction works and equipping of the Centre for People with disabilities in Novi Pazar

Local Infrastructure

Heating system and sanitation units were installed in the premises of the Day Care Centre for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. A professional kitchen and appliances were installed,a sensory room was equipped, a playground in front of the Centre was arranged and equipped, a minibus procured

Project value:

Programme funds:


27,500 Euros

23,100 Euros

4,400 Euros

Enhancing vocational education training of textile, clothing and footwear industry in municipalities of Novi Pazar, Tutin, Raška and Sjenica

Infrastructure Equipment

Enhancing vocational education training of textile, clothing and footwear industry in municipalities of Novi Pazar, Tutin, Raška and Sjenica

Project value:

Programme funds:


20,020 Euros

16,817 Euros

3,203 Euros

8,477 Euros

Promotion of Gender Equality in South West Serbia

Gender Equality

Promotion of Gender Equality in South West Serbia

Project value:

Programme funds:


8,477 Euros

7,121 Euros

1,356 Euros

71,195 Euros

Provision of goods and services to all programme local self-governments to advance local governance and promotion of EU related topics and activities

Municipal Administration, Communication, Good Governance, Gender Equality, Municipal Management and Development Planning activities

Provision of goods and services to all programme local self-governments to advance local governance, improve municipal management and planning, promote environmental protection, gender equality and raise information on the EU support, together with conducting competitiveness baseline study and citizens satisfaction survey

Project value:

Programme funds:


71,195 Euros

59,804 Euros

11,391 Euros